Other Blu-ray Packaging Options

Other Blu-ray packaging options are available beside the traditional BD cases packaging.

Blu-ray 25 replication disc in 2 panel sleeves/wallets

Qty. Unit Price Total Price
500 $4.50 $2,250.00
1000 $2.70 $2,700.00
2000 $1.90 $3,800.00
3000 $1.60 $4,800.00
4000 $1.50 $6,000.00
5000 $1.40 $7,000.00

Turnaround Time: 12 working days

Blu-ray 25 replication disc in 4 panel digipak

Qty. Unit Price Total Price
500 $5.30 $2,650.00
1000 $3.10 $3,100.00
2000 $2.30 $4,600.00
3000 $2.00 $6,000.00
4000 $1.90 $7,600.00
5000 $1.80 $9,000.00

Turnaround Time: 12 working days

Blu-ray 25 replication disc in clam shell

Qty. Unit Price Total Price
500 $4.00 $2,000.00
1000 $2.40 $2,400.00
2000 $1.70 $3,400.00
3000 $1.40 $4,200.00
4000 $1.30 $5,200.00
5000 $1.20 $6,000.00

Turnaround Time: 12 working days

Have a question or don’t see what you need here? We are happy to assist you! Please call us at (408) 956-8618 or email sales@centralmediainc.com